User stats for Apathy

1238/2358 XP

Level 10

Total lines: 14817

Best friends

Rank Name Mentions
1 Jazzly 523
2 WDK 364
3 Goldilicous 233

4 swagy_swagerson 147
5 Slimy 119
6 LaughPepe 118
7 tng69 90
8 glycerine 81
9 KKappaccinno 78
10 MalekKing 64
11 0m3r 61
12 Husky 60
13 nnn 57
14 King_of_Suede 56
15 JohnPrestongc 55
16 SLIMY 55
17 ghost 55
18 icemanik 53
19 Solololololololol 49
20 FiveKings 49
21 IGotTheNastyInMyTaxi 47
22 legendarypotatoe 45
23 Samekonge 44
24 Acegickmo 40
25 Sundra_ 40

Bans on record: 4

Context Date Mod Type Duration
2021-05-24 Destiny ipban perma

[20:07:33 UTC] Destiny: !ipban Apathy banning all criticism

2021-01-09 RTBA mute 2h

[23:07:43 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 2h Apathy

2021-01-08 RTBA mute 12h

[20:10:05 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 12h Apathy

2020-11-26 RTBA ip 14d

[16:57:17 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ip 14d Apathy Trying to taint voy to talk about jews and muslims