User stats for ClosetAndy

1798/2594 XP

Level 11

Total lines: 17735

Best friends

Rank Name Mentions
1 nnn 435
2 SavouryComplex 121
3 Goldilicous 84

4 Torneko1 84
5 MrMe 84
6 Vindelici 83
7 DaSkrubKing 79
8 Acegickmo 78
9 swagy_swagerson 70
10 IGotTheNastyInMyTaxi 69
11 Dranzogger 69
12 King_of_Suede 63
13 PimpMyGloin 62
14 notmike11 59
15 rar_m 58
16 BabaDuke 55
17 P3ndu1uM 53
18 Lev 45
19 ThatLuckyCamper 44
20 jody 42
21 2Ahris1Grail 42
22 sadielady45 40
23 LaughPepe 40
24 SirLazaroth 39
25 smoko 39

Bans on record: 3

Context Date Mod Type Duration
2020-04-17 RTBA ipban perma

[22:54:01 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ipban ClosetAndy being a dumbfuck racist moron with peepoRiot, also probably somethinwrong1

2020-03-27 RTBA mute 12h

[00:49:59 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 12h ClosetAndy hot take: your opinion doesn't matter and isn't valid LULW

2020-02-08 RTBA mute 1h

[21:09:05 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 1h ClosetAndy thanks for reminder