User stats for Kari

12289/25548 XP

Level 35

Total lines: 257766

Best friends

Rank Name Mentions
1 YoloHobbit 2548
2 turtle_co 1610
3 Hojack 1306

4 metaloidsword 1243
5 Fritz 845
6 carrier 824
7 dxcomx 753
8 tng69 703
9 TheRealNihilist 671
10 Tuck_Fwitch 638
11 Bot 626
12 Laeterna 531
13 tena 483
14 Astorabro 469
15 Ninjamastor 436
16 Najunald 408
17 Eridu 386
18 ShawarmaFury 372
19 jody 362
20 Barret 322
21 Lazar 310
22 mori 299
23 veryviolet 298
24 NotEvenWrong 296
25 PrimeCells 294


tng69 social credit score

Bans on record: 10

Context Date Mod Type Duration
2024-05-02 RTBA ip perma

[18:17:09 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ip Kari bored of giving you chances, grow the fuck up and DM me on discord when that happens, but doesnt seem likely to be soon

2024-05-02 Destiny ipban perma

[16:34:32 UTC] Destiny: !ipban Kari unban in 7d, stop being weird

2023-03-25 Destiny ipban 1h

[13:17:31 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 1h Kari stop

2023-03-25 Destiny ipban 1h

[13:17:29 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 1h Kari stop

2023-02-02 Destiny ipban 3d

[01:15:24 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 3d Kari

2022-04-12 RTBA mute 3h

[14:13:49 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 3h Kari

2022-03-26 RTBA ip 3d

[11:00:10 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ip 3d Kari

2022-03-02 RTBA mute 10m

[07:48:45 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute Kari

2022-02-15 Destiny ipban 1024h

[18:33:10 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 1024h Kari child porn

2022-02-14 Destiny ipban 1024h

[17:12:09 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 1024h Kari