User stats for Otram

3601/4177 XP

Level 16

Total lines: 35373

Best friends

Rank Name Mentions
1 Bot 87
2 absentvo 13
3 MisterBhole 12

4 Imeage 12
5 tng69 10
6 Pizza 8
7 Lazar 8
8 PartyFetus 7
9 myman10G 7
10 Daxon 7
11 roal 7
12 Ignelious 7
13 UnrealPhonkdev 7
14 Razklath 7
15 Ninjamastor 6
16 dontblik 6
17 Pengukeks 6
18 Kalispera 6
19 kazyV 6
20 fuu 6
21 EGO 5
22 Vindelici 5
23 assortedlunatics 5
24 Mylv 5
25 veggiebro 5


tng69 social credit score

Bans on record: 5

Context Date Mod Type Duration
2024-08-02 Destiny ipban 30d

[23:14:50 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 30d Otram spamming the same link over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and

2023-08-10 Destiny ipban 1024h

[20:26:42 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 1024h Otram google "transformative"

2023-02-24 Destiny ipban perma

[19:22:24 UTC] Destiny: !ipban Otram

2022-08-02 Ninou ban 10m

[02:10:43 UTC] Ninou: !ban Otram

2022-01-28 Destiny ipban perma

[18:50:10 UTC] Destiny: !ipban Otram child porn