User stats for Staxx_TC

1367/1772 XP

Level 7

Total lines: 9083

Best friends

Rank Name Mentions
1 Bot 17
2 UnrealFunkDev 7
3 MisterBhole 5

4 Imeage 5
5 blej 5
6 YoRHaNexus 5
7 S0GNIK 4
8 UVClay 4
9 RiN_LuX 3
10 Mexiijo 3
11 Babyblasphemy 3
12 DragonFlagon 3
13 Zaroli 3
14 Happy_Plants 3
15 gayterade 3
16 Readysetzerg 3
17 JoeRosing 3
18 neonyai 3
19 NateTheYounger 3
20 PicoDeGalloh 3
21 breadcrumb 3
22 Flores 3
23 udon 3
24 ZeterMordio 3
25 Sind 3

Emote counts









Bans on record: 2

Context Date Mod Type Duration
2022-11-05 RTBA ip perma

[20:48:20 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ip Staxx_TC you can email unbans and complain to Destiny about the phrase dumb bitch, sorry if you thought I was gonna be here to co-sign his stupid moderation statements that he doesnt even enforce or actually specify to his moderators, this aint it chief

2022-07-30 RTBA mute 4h

[21:10:15 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 4h Staxx_TC also both braindead