User stats for TheHockeyPlayer

446/1000 XP

Level 1

Total lines: 446

Emote counts


Bans on record: 5

Context Date Mod Type Duration
2024-12-09 Destiny ipban 180d

[00:36:13 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 180d TheHockeyPlayer

2024-12-09 Destiny ipban 180d

[00:35:24 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 180d TheHockeyPlayer

2024-10-19 Destiny ipban 30d

[23:57:11 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 30d TheHockeyPlayer schizoposting

2024-10-18 Destiny ipban 14d

[23:45:55 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 14d TheHockeyPlayer

2024-10-13 RTBA ip perma

[21:46:35 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ip TheHockeyPlayer just because you are obsessed with trans people and exclusively jerk your dick to them, doesnt mean anyone else cares that much\