User stats for TylerWasNotHere

109/1210 XP

Level 3

Total lines: 2209

Bans on record: 3

Context Date Mod Type Duration
2024-02-26 RTBA ip perma

[00:03:28 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ip TylerWasNotHere please refrain from telling anyone to do any refraining when you cant even keep your spaghetti out of your keyboard

2023-09-12 RTBA ip perma

[05:51:41 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ip TylerWasNotHere so were your parents not aborting you

2023-09-09 RTBA ip perma

[21:14:06 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ip TylerWasNotHere cry about my meganukes to ninou in an unban form, she won't care either. You cry more than the people that cant chat for an hour, get a fucking hobby bitchass