User stats for Winningsomegames

5132/7400 XP

Level 22

Total lines: 69134

Best friends

Rank Name Mentions
1 Acegickmo 112
2 2Ahris1Grail 90
3 nnn 83

4 ttk 81
5 LaughPepe 80
6 PhantasmQB 79
7 Goldilicous 64
8 Dunebug 63
9 SirLazaroth 62
10 DumbDumbFruit 53
11 Majestic_Gopher 51
12 King_of_Suede 50
13 Lev 50
14 ReinhardtxD 49
15 Vindelici 48
16 WDK 46
17 tng69 45
18 FerDeLancY 43
19 Demetrius 43
20 ShamelessPEPE 42
21 ifloops 40
22 theshroomsofdeath 39
23 karl_marx1 38
24 NaturalBornKilla 36
25 ArmandoEnjoysMen 36

Bans on record: 3

Context Date Mod Type Duration
2017-12-03 Destiny ipban 128h

[22:56:16 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 128h Winningsomegames

2017-07-30 Destiny ipban 72h

[22:48:52 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 72h Winningsomegames

2016-03-26 RTBA ban 6d

[00:59:28 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ban 6d Winningsomegames Hey RTBA, Someone in chat baited me into linking that "WAKE ME UP" video, I had no idea it was a ban-able link and I got 6-dayed. Not sure if this is the right place to message you for this but I would appreciate it if you could lift the ban. Proof: