User stats for YikesEnbie

1943/1949 XP

Level 8

Total lines: 11430

Best friends

Rank Name Mentions
1 Voiture 68
2 turtle_co 26
3 legendarypotatoe 22

4 Bot 18
5 PastelDallas 16
6 Turble 15
7 rockpuppy69 14
8 Evie 14
9 SimonARG 13
10 sololololololololo 12
11 colfish28 10
12 Maya 9
13 Zim 8
14 GameplayStudent 8
15 MisterBhole 7
16 punished_furry 7
17 hermit 6
18 eisenhead 6
19 Demetrius 6
20 babu 5
21 amumulessthan3 5
22 Fritz 5
23 Aizak 5
24 Romanoktonos 5
25 Readysetzerg 5


tng69 social credit score

Bans on record: 2

Context Date Mod Type Duration
2023-06-11 Destiny ipban 3d

[04:10:05 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 3d YikesEnbie kill yourself

2022-12-31 Destiny ipban 1024h

[22:51:49 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 1024h YikesEnbie banned because mom emailed me and said he has too much smega and needs to shower more before making autistic comments on stream