User stats for irk

1151/2594 XP

Level 11

Total lines: 17088

Best friends

Rank Name Mentions
1 Bot 651
2 cantclosevim 369
3 Laeterna 172

4 jstlk 167
5 Meta 157
6 ragepope 157
7 Epoche 154
8 chain_jail 132
9 OnlyMyRailgun 126
10 LaughPepe 118
11 noahB_ 116
12 PetrolBomb 116
13 RightToBearArmsLOL 112
14 BotQ 109
15 Goldilicous 105
16 moofish 104
17 Imeage 101
18 Destiny 97
19 gpt71 95
20 widepeepo 94
21 metaloidsword 89
22 Incinerated_Kids 87
23 ThatLuckyCamper 84
24 NateTheYounger 81
25 jody 80

Bans on record: 2

Context Date Mod Type Duration
2019-08-06 RTBA ipban 1d

[09:12:03 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ipban 1d irk listen you little bitch if you backseat mod dgg and discord im gonna ban your ass from both. Get the fuck out of here you stupid fuck

2019-07-31 RTBA mute 10m

[23:39:45 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute irk