User stats for redboyofgoo

1984/4177 XP

Level 16

Total lines: 33756

Best friends

Rank Name Mentions
1 Bot 38
2 JaydrVernanda 13
3 Jorik95 12

4 driveinfuneral 11
5 nameless_ 10
6 SunkenSubmarine 8
7 Lazar 8
8 pyrochrome 8
9 Imeage 7
10 bossthross 7
11 UnrealPhonkdev 7
12 Acclaimss 7
13 Ape 6
14 gordonfreebase 6
15 ragepope 6
16 nnn 6
17 RiN_LuX 6
18 MisterBhole 6
19 PeezyC 6
20 FinalFormal 5
21 Era55 5
22 Laeterna 5
23 Pengukeks 5
24 Suaru 5
25 Fancysloth 5

Bans on record: 2

Context Date Mod Type Duration
2022-11-22 RTBA ip 30d

[19:35:23 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ip 30d redboyofgoo , Hellochi banned memes about friends of the stream, DONT UNBAN NINOU MAKE THEM PAY OR WAIT

2022-08-29 Destiny ipban perma

[19:14:32 UTC] Destiny: !ipban redboyofgoo