User stats for siennauwu

1956/5054 XP

Level 18

Total lines: 42501

Best friends

Rank Name Mentions
1 Majestic_Gopher 1133
2 dsgrotto 692
3 PhantasmQB 639

4 nnn 472
5 WDK 440
6 Fancysloth 427
7 Jazzly 416
8 Chimera 374
9 saimii 373
10 glycerine 291
11 Coda39 269
12 SARROW 260
13 bobjones 228
14 Lanced 216
15 karl_marx1 212
16 SirLazaroth 204
17 JohnPrestongc 201
18 chadesque 190
19 gskate 190
20 Acegickmo 189
21 rallen 188
22 melun 186
23 Epoche 185
24 jody 182
25 indigo 176


tng69 social credit score

Bans on record: 16

Context Date Mod Type Duration
2022-01-04 Destiny ipban 1024h

[19:57:31 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 1024h siennauwu

2021-10-14 RTBA mute 3h

[07:21:46 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 3h siennauwu nah how about just nobody says it :)

2021-09-27 RTBA ip 3d

[17:55:33 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ip 3d siennauwu im gonna keep ip banning you every time I see you be a sack of shit instead of a human for attention

2021-09-20 RTBA ip 3d

[19:34:33 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ip 3d siennauwu nah, you are unfunny/dumbfuck gender

2021-07-19 RTBA ip 1024h

[19:27:09 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ip 1024h siennauwu he said take a break not throw $5 at him you fucking sad piece of shit

2021-07-19 Destiny ipban 4d

[19:19:33 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 4d siennauwu

2021-05-28 RTBA mute 1d

[04:28:46 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 1d siennauwu

2021-04-12 RTBA mute 6h

[05:40:14 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 6h siennauwu just giving chat good vibes by shutting your bitch ass up

2021-02-16 Destiny ipban 128h

[02:36:15 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 128h siennauwu

2021-02-16 Destiny ipban 128h

[02:36:11 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 128h siennauwu

2020-12-21 RTBA mute 10m

[18:55:53 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute siennauwu invoking trash 10/10

2020-11-10 RTBA mute 30d

[23:35:01 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 30d siennauwu lets see how you are doing in 30 days :)

2020-10-06 RTBA ip perma

[04:20:35 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ip siennauwu I mean if you literally linked it just to get banned, its no problem

2020-09-04 RTBA mute 1h

[07:59:37 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 1h siennauwu

2020-09-01 RTBA mute 1h

[12:55:24 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 1h siennauwu

2020-08-18 RTBA mute 1h

[03:07:04 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 1h siennauwu