User stats for ArkhamDGG

4781/6727 XP

Level 21

Total lines: 62056

Best friends

Rank Name Mentions
1 Bot 113
2 mori 49
3 CBA 47

4 ghost 43
5 vyneer 42
6 Happy_Plants 41
7 tomakoe1 32
8 legendarypotatoe 31
9 someSwag 31
10 Stardog22 24
11 JoeKingLee 23
12 widepeepo 21
13 melun 21
14 lmfaotopkek 21
15 sebastionoise 20
16 Autonomy 20
17 Bing 20
18 Linndex 19
19 Bluelivingabandon 18
20 10k 18
21 Argyreos 18
22 ladvirex 17
23 PrimeCells 17
24 LHolliday 17
25 Barret 16

Emote counts




tng69 social credit score

Bans on record: 2

Context Date Mod Type Duration
2021-10-09 RTBA mute 3h

[17:32:02 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 3h ArkhamDGG Askers

2021-02-14 RTBA mute 1h

[22:27:35 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 1h ArkhamDGG just for being dumb enough to not know the difference between what is happening rn and when you got rekt previously