User stats for Barret

24646/25548 XP

Level 35

Total lines: 270123

Best friends

Rank Name Mentions
1 Rhys_Void 1174
2 metaloidsword 1073
3 MisterBhole 679

4 TheFamousJohnyD 672
5 JTface 612
6 Rooitier 599
7 tng69 543
8 Pengukeks 525
9 dxcomx 521
10 Bot 514
11 roal 483
12 Kari 459
13 Viebax 446
14 mori 434
15 Memon 431
16 Barret 417
17 Majestic_Gopher 413
18 WiseOldMan 406
19 AreEyeOh 379
20 Laeterna 371
21 ThatLuckyCamper 348
22 Anthony 328
23 anuvrat 328
24 widepeepo 323
25 ShawarmaFury 320


tng69 social credit score

Bans on record: 13

Context Date Mod Type Duration
2023-09-05 Cake ip perma

[15:02:42 UTC] Cake: !ip Barret DaryCypher alt, DM cake for details before even thinking about unbanning

2023-08-03 Destiny ipban perma

[17:24:11 UTC] Destiny: !ipban Barret unban in September, reporting orbiters accounts to get them banned??? SOY overload

2023-07-19 Destiny ipban 24h

[20:18:34 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 24h Barret kill yourself too

2023-01-08 RTBA ip perma

[21:39:02 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ip Barret you knew the rules, and so do I GIGACHAD

2022-03-21 RTBA mute 6h

[20:48:59 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 6h Barret ??? bruh

2021-10-03 RTBA mute 3h

[20:30:52 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 3h Barret crazy dumb person post

2021-05-04 RTBA mute 1h

[05:06:39 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 1h Barret NoTears

2021-04-01 RTBA mute 1h

[19:01:50 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 1h Barret

2020-10-16 RTBA mute 6h

[20:38:07 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 6h Barret also no nsfw posting

2020-10-13 Destiny ipban 12h

[22:18:02 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 12h Barret

2020-10-08 Destiny ipban 1024h

[01:01:14 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 1024h Barret

2020-09-16 RTBA mute 6h

[23:50:30 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 6h Barret stop giving Dunebug competition for brain density

2020-08-07 RTBA mute 6h

[21:48:54 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 6h Barret