User stats for I_Spoil_GameofThrone

1575/3452 XP

Level 14

Total lines: 26098

Best friends

Rank Name Mentions
1 Bot 52
2 Vindelici 27
3 ShawarmaFury 26

4 turtle_co 24
5 RightToBearArmsLOL 23
6 LaughPepe 22
7 ThatLuckyCamper 21
8 Kari 20
9 moofish 18
10 the_salt_dealer 18
11 MrMouton 17
12 AreEyeOh 17
13 Agonite 16
14 radiomath 15
15 picklemancer 14
16 Mickey 14
17 Laeterna 13
18 Snutten 12
19 JaydrVernanda 10
20 Incinerated_Kids 10
21 veggiebro 10
22 ragepope 10
23 SunkenSubmarine 9
24 Archer 9
25 RiN_LuX 9


tng69 social credit score

Bans on record: 3

Context Date Mod Type Duration
2022-06-09 Destiny ipban 1024h

[17:04:08 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 1024h I_Spoil_GameofThrone

2020-07-12 RTBA mute 6h

[04:12:00 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 6h I_Spoil_GameofThrone dont care if you taggged it, that makes it even worse because you think anyone wants to download your likely 2/10 meme

2020-04-08 Destiny ipban perma

[23:50:13 UTC] Destiny: !ipban I_Spoil_GameofThrone child porn (never unban)