User stats for Zasabi

2729/3797 XP

Level 15

Total lines: 30704

Best friends

Rank Name Mentions
1 Broadcast 85
2 NaDaCure 71
3 PhantasmQB 53

4 nnn 40
5 ErisAnn 39
6 Laeterna 38
7 Bot 29
8 Acegickmo 27
9 gskate 27
10 Majestic_Gopher 26
11 Ratsofat 25
12 MrMouton 24
13 rzan12 22
14 Mockknizzle008 21
15 M_VG 21
16 Terra_Nullius 20
17 PoopyAss 20
18 Sundra_ 20
19 Lev 19
20 Kimchi 19
21 siennauwu 19
22 Rippig 18
23 felklmao 18
24 Memon 18
25 tng69 18

Bans on record: 4

Context Date Mod Type Duration
2021-09-07 RTBA mute 1h

[22:38:09 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 1h Zasabi so horny to post nsfw in offline chat they forgot nsfw tag

2021-05-26 RTBA ip 1d

[20:17:13 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ip 1d Zasabi I am the peoples cunt

2015-07-24 Destiny ban 10m

[04:27:10 UTC] Destiny: !ban Zasabi

2015-07-20 Destiny ban 24

[04:30:36 UTC] Destiny: !ban 24 Zasabi