User stats for edwardelric

1572/8140 XP

Level 23

Total lines: 72975

Best friends

Rank Name Mentions
1 Damon 135
2 ThatLuckyCamper 120
3 cantclosevim 85

4 MisterBhole 73
5 gay_sheriff 61
6 demaonkiller 61
7 roal 60
8 jody 59
9 veryviolet 58
10 Kari 55
11 Lazar 55
12 Laeterna 52
13 Bot 52
14 Pengukeks 46
15 NikoSamUpGoodOnFD 46
16 Imeage 45
17 Kurchucknorris 45
18 Fritz 41
19 swagy_swagerson 41
20 NikoSam34 40
21 MajorDrGhastly 40
22 Dino_zus 40
23 Bing 39
24 CityofQUARTZ 38
25 Vindelici 38

Emote counts



tng69 social credit score

Bans on record: 5

Context Date Mod Type Duration
2023-12-25 Destiny ipban 1024h

[00:17:38 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 1024h edwardelric , drdiktor, Isnotrael, Stryde, eisenhead, jakefryington

2023-12-05 Destiny ipban 1024h

[23:31:14 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 1024h edwardelric come back a month

2023-03-21 Destiny ipban 1024h

[16:49:04 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 1024h edwardelric

2023-02-13 Destiny ipban perma

[16:36:15 UTC] Destiny: !ipban edwardelric unfortunately self-recorded incident where he shoved razer blades into his urethra to dig searching for the sounding rod he lost in there and posted the nsfl footage to dgg :(((

2022-07-08 RTBA mute 1h

[18:21:42 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !mute 1h edwardelric