User stats for ivxandx

2419/3138 XP

Level 13

Total lines: 23803

Best friends

Rank Name Mentions
1 Bot 62
2 Imeage 35
3 demaonkiller 33

4 JaydrVernanda 32
5 amumulessthan3 29
6 dxcomx 24
7 sebastionoise 24
8 goldenes56 23
9 Valk 22
10 tng69 21
11 tarnar 20
12 Renz 19
13 flud 19
14 Yris 17
15 Sarcon 16
16 Barret 16
17 MisterBhole 16
18 Rodonies 15
19 Damon 15
20 Jessi_Lee_Peterson 15
21 SunkenSubmarine 15
22 ratchetbug 15
23 flipperjippy 14
24 flaksklient 14
25 S0GNIK 13


tng69 social credit score

Bans on record: 3

Context Date Mod Type Duration
2023-01-23 Destiny ipban 1d

[17:44:25 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 1d ivxandx

2022-12-12 Destiny ipban 1d

[17:24:07 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 1d ivxandx

2022-11-08 RTBA ip 6h

[18:54:43 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ip 6h ivxandx whats the emote that makes everyone that has ever met you regret you werent aborted