User stats for jevans

70/2853 XP

Level 12

Total lines: 18601

Best friends

Rank Name Mentions
1 charlest0n 99
2 fuu 71
3 Kari 55

4 Calcifer65 53
5 tng69 47
6 RiN_LuX 46
7 Ninjamastor 45
8 Phoebekat 41
9 mewlies 40
10 Avenged 39
11 JoeRosing 34
12 TacoTabo 33
13 Bot 28
14 PunishedRatMan 27
15 Archer 27
16 Hojack 25
17 kristoffaro 24
18 Mattrix 24
19 Eaze 23
20 UnrealFunkDev 20
21 Mexiijo 20
22 chase 20
23 x_PussySmasher69_xXx 20
24 Imeage 19
25 Pengukeks 18

Emote counts



tng69 social credit score

Bans on record: 8

Context Date Mod Type Duration
2024-11-01 Destiny ipban 7d

[19:51:35 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 7d jevans , Leole, Elundis_Core, brapat0, Lalichi, dxcomx, guysiah, MrComit, scamm3r, NeoDamiu, niiuix, Mexiijo, Ozma, aquamountain, saucyfox, Vertigo, vogue_hommes, Feynman_, Drakiel, Syv11, ognannerz, Xuciroair, ChaoticA

2024-09-26 Destiny ipban 90d

[23:33:54 UTC] Destiny: !ipban 90d jevans

2024-03-10 Destiny ipban perma

[18:11:27 UTC] Destiny: !ipban jevans perm ban every alt account you see

2024-01-19 Destiny ipban perma

[21:36:05 UTC] Destiny: !ipban jevans

2023-12-18 Destiny ipban perma

[23:25:53 UTC] Destiny: !ipban jevans

2022-11-03 RTBA ip perma

[06:27:54 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ip jevans , rtb llllll ban evasion, you fucked up when you said you didnt want the bear to get you

2022-11-02 RTBA ip perma

[23:25:32 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ip jevans yep thats me bye :)

2022-10-01 RTBA ipban perma

[17:35:24 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ipban jevans imagine thinking an emote from last years halloween was added to mock an actual trans person killing themself. you can email ninou to explain what a focuking loser you are