User stats for kamisou_

2529/15863 XP

Level 30

Total lines: 151160

Best friends

Rank Name Mentions
1 YoloHobbit 750
2 metaloidsword 245
3 MisterBhole 147

4 RiN_LuX 137
5 tng69 133
6 xZt 133
7 cantclosevim 129
8 Kari 125
9 UnrealFunkDev 111
10 swordthatismetal 111
11 TubNub 106
12 p0starmageddon 102
13 Pengukeks 97
14 Bot 96
15 davidkmgba 85
16 saucyfox 85
17 GameplayStudent 85
18 Chargain 80
19 Bluelivingabandon 76
20 cane 76
21 turtle_co 75
22 Sind 73
23 W3enieLinguine 73
24 Pizza 72
25 SunkenSubmarine 70


tng69 social credit score

Bans on record: 4

Context Date Mod Type Duration
2023-10-08 RTBA ip perma

[22:17:04 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ip kamisou_ dumb + who asked + why are you crying to me about it like I changed anything for halloween LMAO fuck off bitch

2023-03-24 Cake ip 1h

[23:02:51 UTC] Cake: !ip 1h kamisou_

2023-03-06 Destiny ipban perma

[04:03:03 UTC] Destiny: !ipban kamisou_

2022-09-07 RTBA ip 4h

[20:15:04 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ip 4h kamisou_ go play with your genitals for fun