User stats for the_GOOSE

1811/2144 XP

Level 9

Total lines: 13247

Best friends

Rank Name Mentions
1 Pizza 422
2 BigPiss 62
3 veryviolet 50

4 PizzaRegret 35
5 MisterBhole 33
6 Calzone 25
7 Bot 23
8 swagy_swagerson 19
9 Bing 14
10 m0st 13
11 JAYCAZ 12
12 TheUser 12
13 Catsparks 12
14 carrier 10
15 jake4yrs 10
16 fmoggus 9
17 UnrealFunkDev 9
18 LeanGod 9
19 boeglund 8
20 YoloHobbit 8
21 next_chatter 8
22 Thats1t 6
23 klopdike 6
24 Calcifer64 6
25 Savant 6

Bans on record: 2

Context Date Mod Type Duration
2023-05-02 RTBA ip 1h

[16:04:48 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ip 1h the_GOOSE ur life would be better without league too

2023-05-02 RTBA ip 6h

[16:04:31 UTC] RightToBearArmsLOL: !ip 6h the_GOOSE ur life would be better without league too